News & Special Stories

Check our activities and special stories
On Wednesday, March 16th, San Diego Regulatory Affairs Network (SDRAN) organized a talk focused on “Regulatory Affairs in Orphan Drug Development”.
Kudos to Dr. Hudson Freeze and supporting groups for their commitment and research in Rare Diseases. Thanks KPBS for coverage of this year’s event (SBP Rare Disease Day Symposium: Human Glycosylation Disorders, San Diego).
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Recent Articles

Be real and respect the patient
June 19, 2020
Behcet’s Disease Awareness Day: May 20th
May 20, 2020
Cleaner Environment, Healthier Life – Cleaning San Diego’s Manzanita Canyon
July 9, 2016

Submit Your Story

Rare Is Special aims to connect people with rare disease with others with the same disease as well as researchers and doctors working in the field. One way to do so is by publishing people’s stories and experiences. By contributing your story, you will be able to reach and inspire others with the same disease and motivate researchers and scientist who do work in the same rare disease.

If you are interested in submitting your story, please send us your story at