About Us

Publisher, event organizer & advocacy on Rare Diseases

Our Commitment

Service to the rare diseases community

Identify Unmet Needs

We are committed to identifying unmet needs in the area rare diseases by promoting networking, collaboration, event organization, exchange of ideas and publication of special stories and other relevant information.

Serving Special People

From identification of problems to developing the solutions, we are directly engaged with “special people” who are tirelessly working day and night to find solutions to difficulties faced by the rare disease patients.

Developing Solutions

Our objective is to develop innovative products and services, that can add significant value to the lives of patients and other special persons from the area of rare diseases. We look forward to hearing your story and feedback.

What we Do?

Publishing Information > Increasing Connectivity > Supporting Treatment Discovery

Rare Is Special publishes disease research related information & stories of special people, organizes & participate in events, publishes books and creates tools for networking & collaboration.

Disease Information Exchange

Rare Is Special is developing a robust platform disease related information sharing between rare disease patients, patient families, scientists, physicians, advocacy groups and other members of public.


Our focus is facilitation for research and discovery to find cures and improve healthcare for rare disease patients.

  • Disease related summary
  • Latest research in rare diseases
  • Ongoing clinical trials in rare diseases
  • Patents & drugs development in rare diseases

Event Organization & Participation

We have participated in multiple rare disease events in past and contributed funds and human resources.







We publish news, short stories, interviews, illustrations, books, etc. created by rare disease patients or related people. You can send your submission directly to us at contact@rareisspecial.com

  • Special stories (short stories from our "Special" people)
  • Books (We publish digital books from diverse areas)
  • Illustrations and Images (Photographs, illustations, art work from "Special" people)
  • Videos (Multimedia from "Special" people)


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rare Is Special?

Rare Is Special is social enterprise engaged in providing products and services to promote awareness on rare diseases and expedite discovery of treatments for rare diseases.

What kind of services Rare Is Special provides?

Rare Is Special provides multiple services to support individuals and organizations involved in the area of rare diseases. Our services include:

  • Providing a social networking & collaboration platform for patients, families, physicians, researchers, and others
  • Online publisher of special stories and information related to rare diseases
  • Organizing and supporting events in rare diseases
  • Promoting awareness on rare diseases

What is the best way to contact Rare Is Special?

The best and easiest method to communicate with Rare Is Special is by writing to us at contact@rareisspecial.com

How should I submit my story?

Please E-mail us your story in Microsoft Word (.docs) format and provide few high resolution image that you think may fit with your story content. Once story is submitted our editorial staff does plagiarism check and quality check. We will provide our feedback on the content. You may require to do edits in certain circumstance to improve readability of content. 

Is the information published at Rare Is Special free for readers to read?

Yes, all articles and information published at Rare Is Special are open access and free for readers to read without any paywall or subscription. Our main aim of publishing information including your stories to make people connect with each other which may expedite research and discovery for rare diseases treatment.